August 18, 2015

Intense Feelings

My last blog post was about my reflections in life plus my perspective of perfection. And after posting and promoting the blog post on my social media, I received a violent e-mail regarding the post.

The e-mail was like this:
I do not like you. I do not like your God. I do not like your concept of perfection. If your f*** God is real and perfect He must make everything perfect. If He cannot make my life perfect, He is not perfect and He is fake.
After reading His entire e-mail, I just cried. I fell on my knees and asked God for help. I do not know how will I answer him. I am so afraid and I just do not know.

God was indeed faithful, He reminded me of Psalm 56:3

Psalm 56:3

When God gave me or I must say, reminded me of this verse, I prayed for Him the courage to reply to the email. I prayed for the right words as well and lastly, I prayed that I will be able to answer his questions based on the Truth.

However, I forgot to pray for His perfect will. So I went on my knees again and I prayed for His will. So after praying, I decided to open my email and there he goes again, flooding my inbox with his opinions against Christ.

The state of my heart after reading his email -- undecided, sad, in short clueless.
Honestly, I just replied a short message to his emails "I respect your opinion. I pray that you respect mine as well. I would rather die believing what I believe now than to die not believing at anything after all."

So, I kept on praying and focusing on God. I am praying for His will. I was even at the verge of deleting the blog post. But I do not have a peace at all -- so I never did.

The next day, I checked my email again and he sent me a very long message. He told me the reason behind him hating God after reading his message, I was able to understand where he was coming from. However, I did not expect him to say sorry to me because he was really trying to debate with me that there is no God. And I did not expect him to ask me "Why are you so kind towards me?" So I bravely said "because there is a God. Without God, I could have killed you or I could have hacked your account and expose how you shame me. But because He taught me grace, I chose to respond to you in this manner." 

After some time of exchanging emails, I praise God because those intense feelings of tension and threat are now an intense feelings of happiness, excitement and hope.

Happy for him having an open mind and heart to know Christ.
Excited to see him have a personal encounter with Christ.
Hopeful that God will change him from glory to glory.

THANK YOU LORD! Indeed you turn our mourning into dancing. You turn our anxiety to praise. To God be the Glory!

I pray that you we will all choose to respond than to react.

We love because
He first loved us.
- 1 John 4:19