October 19, 2015

Recession of Appreciation

We live in a world that forgets to appreciate things -- whether it is a small or big thing. We live in a world that forgets to say "thank you". Anyway, before I go through this blog post, let us check how does my friend, Merriam Webster (hashtag NAKS!) the word appreciation.
an ability to understand the worth, quality, or importance of something.
Let us try to dissect some parts of the definition given to us to have a deeper sense of understanding.

An ability. An ability is something we possess or something that is inside of us. It is like we have the power to do something because it is our nature to do it. Example, we are designed to walk because we have a feet while the snakes doesn't have a feet that is why they do not have the capability to walk.

To understand the worth, quality or importance of something. To understand -- to perceive something because of having an idea of how it is. At this point, we have an idea of the worth or quality or importance of something. Example, you will not judge a person by its cover because you understand the golden rule.

Sad to say, there is now a recession in everything, including appreciation. And sad to say, we cause something to depreciate just because we fail to do our part at least to say thank you or at least to say something positive maybe to a person or to an art (music, food, coffee or the nature itself).

I do believe that every single thing here on earth wants to be appreciated. And I do believe that the reason why there's depression is because we don't make it a point to appreciate a person's beauty -- that we always allow people's flaws to be more visible. GOD CREATED EACH ONE OF US WONDERFULLY AND BEAUTIFULLY -- ISN'T IT ENOUGH TO APPRECIATE SOMEONE'S BEAUTY OR WORTH? I think so. I can even say it is more than enough. We are too forgetful that everyone has a flaws and those flaws, most of the time, makes us human. Why not start to appreciate a family member or a friend's smile or eyes or remind them that THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL. 

Artists like me needs appreciation. When you compare our works to our fellow artists discourages us. Why? Because we don't promote competition -- in real life. We encourage people to pursue their passion -- no matter what it is because pursuing your passion draws you closer to your purpose in life. Those people who haven't found their passion, just keep on finding it, and once you found it FOLLOW IT. DO NOT GIVE IT UP. Remember, living this life is not hard. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Stop living a life full of competition -- that life's a bore and it sucks.


Even coffee shops compete with each other and all of them claim that they serve the best coffee because they use the best coffee beans. Well, maybe at some point, that is how really business works. However, I believe that everything, even coffee making is an art and it is a form of art. Crafting a good coffee or a coffee that is very good to a person's taste buds is not an easy task. That is why I do not really like comparing each one of them but I have to admit that I have a favorite coffee per shop -- will it be fair enough? (At least?)

Don't you know that what you just read is an introduction of what I wanna share today? (Sorry for that intense introduction. Hashtag PEACE.)

Since I just mentioned that coffee making is a form of art. And I also mentioned that we live in a world that lacks appreciation, I am so happy, and my heart is jumping for joy because a place slash coffee shop slash cafe named Recession Coffee in Eastwood City is now OPEN. 

I love their "Pay-as-you-Want" system. That as you order your cup of coffee, he cashier will ask you "How much would you like to pay for coffee, Ma'am/Sir?" and to help you decide, they have a list with funny descriptions, depending on how much you will pay for your coffee. And no matter how much you pay for it, they will definitely serve you an excellent cup.

They serve good pastries as well.
My cuppa of FLAT WHITE
Why do I love the said system? Simply because I am sure that it tests a person's slash a customer's way of appreciating the craft of making coffee slash a great latte art. Also, I believe that it will make us realize that at the end of the day -- every cup of coffee is worth appreciating and the way it can be appreciated is to set a good price for it. And it also works with my craft -- calligraphy.

However, in real life, setting a price is not applicable to appreciate a person. Maybe, the best way to say that you appreciate a person is to thank him or her for being authentic. Do not measure a person's worth by how much does he/she earn or by her achievements because those things are temporary and it doesn't make a relationship last long -- but the heart does.

You can cheer a person up (just like how this cup of coffee cheered me up)

Make it a habit to tell people thank you.
To express your appreciation,
sincerely and without the expectation
of anything in return.
Truly appreciate those around you,
and you'll soon find many others around you.
Truly appreciate life,
and you'll find that you have more of it.
- Ralph Marston